
Saturday, June 22, 2019

MarPTEX - Tan Big Script

It took me three tries to make a Leslie that I liked. Then I wanted to add something, but chickened out.

Ditto on Lauren's and Patty's. Patty knows I struggle with her name.

I'm almost done with the March exchange envelope. It was the month that gave me a pseudo migraine. I don't actually make myself sick over my obsessing. But there is some weird thing that takes over.

As some of you have pointed out, I preach that we should all be more positive and not bad-mouth our work --- and then I bad-mouth my own work. So, I'll have to resolve that. There must be something logical going on. Obviously, if you make stuff --- you probably don't do everything *just-right* the first time. Maybe I should compare it to cooking. You might try a new recipe and then tweak it.

I guess my comments are just suggestions for tweaking. If I had unlimited funds for envelopes, I would just do each one enough times that I got to a place where I was happy with them.

I just remembered --- an envelope company contacted me about doing business --- I was out of town and told them I would get back to them --- I must do that (4-27-19)

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