
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bonus Post - 2019 Graceful Envelope Contest

Thank you to blog reader and exchange participant GraceH for asking me if I had seen the posting of the Graceful Envelopes for 2019. I was blown away by how many of them were done by people I know. Also, I was very pleased that they were not overloaded with illustration as they have been in years past. I do not have anything against illustration, but I have been missing the focus on lettering. There are lots more this year that feature lettering.

This one, by Sherri Trial is a perfect example of how a stamp can inspire a beautiful envelope. I could go on and on about all the details and ideas that came off the stamp but I will let all y'all find them yourselves. Hopefully, everyone can see that the whole block of copy is in the shape of a horse head.

You may see all of the envelopes here - and I might feature some more of my uber-favorites.

You can surf around and find the kids envelopes. I have not looked at them yet. I will, and then I will post a link.

Today's regular post is right below.

Thanks to all the people who send me lovely messages about how much they love the exchange. I appreciate hearing from people. Some of you read my blog faithfully every morning and it's nice to know that I have a posse out there who enjoys a little spot of something else. Taking a little time to putter with your art (and it could be any art) is a good thing. Mr. Wilson got on his soapbox yesterday, criticizing someone who was not skilled at composing well written English sentences. Well, Mr. Wilson, you were an English major and you like to write. You're a wordsmith. Shut up about people who do not do what you do. Just because it comes easy to you does not mean that it comes easy to the rest of us. Yeah, I came down with a sledge hammer. It feels so good to win an argument with someone who has a PhD in arguing. That's what he did with his English degree. He went to law school where they literally get a degree in arguing. Nice skill to have if you need a job. It's not like I win many arguments - but this time I was right - so that helped.

What's my point here? Take a little time to putter at an art. It feels good and it doesn't really matter if your stuff looks as good as Sherri's. The amount of time she has taken to hone her skills would boggle your little mind. She took time to send her art out into the world so that we could be inspired and that is a gift. It's not about how good your art is - it's about doing it.


  1. I read all your posts, I may not comment but I enjoy looking at all that talent. Thank you

  2. oh and yes i agree with the MW bit ab out this post, I am married to one who thinks just because he has a degree he is above all else. Then when he cant find his wallet he panics and asks me to find it, which I do even though I didnt put it anywhere lol
