
Monday, May 27, 2019

Feb PTEX from Inta, Tina, and Anthea

Inta's tiny penmanship is so cool. The envelope is handmade and there is a sweet little card inside. The pen is to show the scale. I *heart* tiny.

Tina sent an envelope that coordinated with a lovely card that has the best sparkle paper ever. It does not shed glitter and it is super sparkly.

It included a tiny little calendar that is perfect for my tidy desk. My OCD has been amping up and now I do not have to keep the big calendar on the desk.

I need to find a place to store those two Post-Its. They contain info I need - but not often enough to actually remember it. Maybe I just need to re-write both of them on one white Post-It using Inta's style of penmanship. Yup - I'll do that.

And one more valentine themed envelope from Anthea.

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