
Monday, May 20, 2019

Apr PTEX to Lynne - crazy quilt jubilee & Memory Lane with Maggie

This is a sneak peek at my April exchange envelopes. In March, I bought a set of 12 brush tip markers at Target. It was an impulse - because I was going to be in Chicago March 31 through April 19th and I thought if I had a fun new set of markers, I would be able to do my exchange envelopes while my grandkids were in school.

Nothing went as planned and I had to crank out 27 envelopes when I got home. I was not happy with a single idea - and none of the stamp choices looked right - but - I took my own advice and just dropped them in the mail. Maybe I'll get my act together in May.....

P.S.  It is May 15. I mailed the last of the PTEX envelopes yesterday and they were a hot mess. So, don't hold your breath, but, I think by June will be the month where all the vintage and orphans are gone -- and we will see if it creates a better environment.

After I posted the cool bicycle envelope from Leslie, Maggie sent me the image of her very first envelope. I found it in the archive. She used two stamps to make sure the PO was OK with taking extra time to figure out the destination.

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