
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Feb to Fatima, Anthea, Marie and Troy

Remember all the gray hearts on the February envelopes? After hearts had run their course, I lapsed into my go-to style DuBosche Jubilee. Technically - DJ is done with broad edge - so this needs its own name. Jean-ilee?

I was pretty happy with this one and surprised when the next two were not quite as lively. Fatima's is better because of the overlapping.

Troy's is buried in the stack because it is a snooze. It needed something, but I was pretty sure I would mess it up if I added anything else. There is some sparkle on the name that might not show up.

Although, Troy and I chit chatted about the weather in the sign-up- emails and I learned that he has never lived more than 3 hours away from the Gulf of Mexico. I thought his envelope gave a feeling of the cold whiteness that we experience *way up north* - in Iowa.

If anyone wants a glimpse into those people who spend the winter in Antarctica, I highly recommend the Netflix offering, Antarctica: A Year on Ice. Wow -- it left me with more questions than I thought possible.

Shout out to the chickadees  -- and to the client who left me with 50 chickadees because she only wanted red birds on her holiday mailing. I love those stamps.

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