
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Consolation envelopes - green Cocoiro to Phillip

Of course, this was the last George Washington stamp left - and now I want more.

Two days ago when I was sharing the disasters that happened in January, I mentioned that the really bad ones received consolation envelopes that looked like this. They did not have this much flourishing. As you have probably surmised, something went wrong and I had to go overboard on flourishing. It was the old bug-a-boo -- centering. I had too much space on the left.

If I ever run out of envelopes I am going to just address plain paper and then fold the envelope so that I can center the lettering. Now I want to count up how many envelopes I have in my stash.

That white space to the top and right of George bothers me.
The way I photographed it on the flip side of the mat board is lovely. I never noticed that there is a pale gray on the flip side. I shall be using it more often.

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