
Monday, February 4, 2019

Nov 2018 PTEX to Janet - gator+ ornament (video)

There are any number of animals with names in their mouths on Pinterest. I didn't choose specific people to get some of the zanier ideas. I went straight through the list as fast as I could just churning out the first layers.

Breaking my rule - to choose your stamps first - I remembered to do a stamp search before I finalized anything. Obviously this stamp was perfect and I had a nice gold Sharpie to add some dots.

I actually remembered to re-shoot some of the envelopes.

I try to keep the links to time wasting to a minimum. But, this one is so much fun - just a bit over a minute. Two postal workers who have been sending the same Xmas card back and forth for decades.

Xmas card

Of course, the punchline is that they hand deliver it so it won't get lost. And they are postal workers. in England. OK - now you don't have to watch the video - unless you are curious about the cleverness of what they write in the card each year.

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