
Thursday, February 21, 2019

From Joy in July + CarrollD's Desk

I examined this one carefully and deduced that she had printed off a template for an envelope so the black lines are not hand done but the color is and then she layered some sheer white over the area where the address is written. It coordinates nicely with the stamp - both color and style. The added color looks a bit like watercolor but it also looks like colored pencil or crayon, so it might be something like watercolor pencils. Nice effects.

So far - just one more photo of a desk. This is CarrollD's - and I suspect this is just a portion of her studio space. There is no chair. She probably just pulled it out of the way. Everything is neatly organized. I hope we get a few more people sending in photos of their work spaces.

1 comment:

  1. I wish it was a corner of my studio, instead it is a corner of my living room! An upgrade from the kitchen table a fair few years ago now..! It works.
