
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Aug Exch from Lynne and Jean R - solid darks

Sadly I do not get around to buying all the stamps and these sea creature ones were fabulous. They were made with some kind of magic paper. The day-glo gel pens are so perfect. I think the stamps sold out in about 20-minutes.* You can buy a sheet for $15 online - which is $5 more than the face value.

I paired the black envelope with the only other solid color envelope - a nice turquoise with a monogram on a watercolor background from Jean R. Very nicely coordinated stamp.

One more August envelope to George - on the 9th...and it's a doozy.

* Here's what the PO says about the stamps:
Although these stamps do not glow in the dark, they do incorporate a special effect. The stamp pane was produced using a proprietary rainbow holographic material that is highly reflective in white light. The stamps were produced using special techniques to enhance the reflective qualities of the material while maintaining the depth of color and detail of the individual images. The rainbow pattern imparts a sense of movement and light to the stamp pane.

There is a ton more to read

1 comment:

  1. The bioluminescent stamps did sell out really fast. I tried to order more not long after my initial purchase and they were no longer available. They are stunning, and I think they look best on black, too.

    I like how the colors g=behind the monogram G take inspiration from the stamp (or maybe the stamp was selected to match the paper).
