
Monday, January 21, 2019

August Exchange from Carole - Cows

Carole kindly sent to both George and me even though I indicated that exchangers only needed to send to him. I was gone for more than half the month and figured he would enjoy getting some fun mail.

Carole enclosed cow-themed book marks and George was very happy with his. He reads more than one book at a time and can always use a nice bookmark.

I love how the three cows are focusing on the address. I have such fond memories of being around cows (beef cows) when I was a kid and spent some time at the ranch where my mom grew up. These are dairy cows and when I was very young, they had a milk cow. Really memorable - trying to milk a cow. The smell of the cow barn is one of those smells that i can conjure up even though I have not smelled it in about 60 years.

For the postal junkies looking for places to surf:

A lot of documentation of a lot of visits to post offices.

Or if you just want to hit the Iowa post offices:

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