
Saturday, December 29, 2018

JeriW to Rainbow

I've exchanged with three Jeri's. This is Jeri W from Texas. I do not recall who alerted the Texas guild to the exchange but we've had some superb lettering show up in the exchanges. I'm guessing these flowers were made with the rubbery-wedge tool that probably has an official name.

Below is the flip side of the envelope as well as the card. So pretty. It was fun to see a few envelopes that did not go with the rainbow theme - just for variety. But, if there had been 100% rainbows - they would have been just as welcome.


  1. Haha, Jean ... I the guilty one for the Texas folks in my continual talking about this exchange in our guild meetings for Kaligrafos.
    Jeri is an AWESOME letter artist and great teacher as well. She and another member just taught a class on the triangle brush for florals which you see here. Spectacular class to say the least!
