
Monday, December 24, 2018

Gifts - all year long + CaroleV's Nov Envelope

Some of us prefer to spread gifts over the entire year and are not keen on the piles of gifts at this time of year. On the other hand, I respect those who go crazy because that's what they prefer. It's a rainbow-lesson to accept that we can't all like things the same way.

This envelope is from the Rainbow series and I thought of a good gift story for today - the eve of the giftiest day of the year.

During the Swedish Death Cleaning (Sept 2018 era), I amassed an extraordinary pile of extra pens. They filled a large zip-lock bag and I wish I had taken a picture of it. I also wish I had a video of me dropping it off at the Des Moines homeless shelter. I figured the people who work in the office could probably use extra pens. I walked in with my bag and a couple pair of winter boots. A nice man from behind the desk came around to greet me. I handed him the bag of pens and said, "Could you use these?" His eyes lit up and he exclaimed. "Oh, my goodness, YES! Thank you soooo much." I smiled, turned to leave and I could hear him with the delight of a 6 year old who still believes in Santa exclaiming to the woman who was working behind the desk, "Look what WE GOT!" His level of happiness warmed my heart. And then it got better.

I wish I had written down what the woman said. It was so perfect, but, I have forgotten exactly what she said. Even if I had the exact words here - it was the tone of voice that left more of an impression. It always feels good to find a gift that someone really wants or needs. Part of me can't wait to take more pens to the shelter. And I need to leave a note in my file labeled *Final Instructions* to take all the pens to the shelter when I expire. It's not easy for me to part with pens - but knowing they went to people who really needed them has made it a bit easier.

Oops, I just realized that I already posted this envelope - so here is a new one from the November exchange. We can be thankful all year, right?

From Carole V

The back of Carole's envelope

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