
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Sept PTEX to Maggie and Gerri - Peace Rose

This is a direct appropriation off Pinterest. I will try to find a link to the original. Amazingly - it popped up. If you click on the image it takes you to Instagram - but I am confused by IG - I can never tell when someone is posting their own work or re-posting images that they like.
I have never even figured out the difference between # and @

the original

It looked like it was done with actual paint but I wanted to see if I could do something close with markers. The first version - on top to Gerri - is a little overworked as I made some bad choices and the layering did not always solve the problem.

Below is a second attempt  (to Maggie) which is not so overworked - but a bit wimpy.

The challenge when stealing an idea is to make it your own while retaining exactly what part you found so appealing.

Originally, I did not think I would like the Peace Rose stamps - but they are pretty perfect with this envelope.


  1. Think of the # (hashtag) as a label on a folder in a filing system. So if you want to find all things calligraphic that people posted, you could search #calligraphy

    1. does @ alert the person you are at-ing?
      or is it just a "hey, you" that the person might see if they come back?
