
Monday, November 26, 2018

From Lynne to Rainbow - Cards from Tina, Nanski, RachelD

Oooops - I was supposed to post this on Sunday.

I've lost track of how many times I have written that all my photos of Rainbow's mail got mixed up. Here are some that might be re-runs or they might not.

The good news is that I know who sent these. The bad news is that the entire stack of holiday mail from 2017 is hiding from me and I have quite a few where I can't remember who sent them. The stack might pop up before December - but let's not hold our breath.

Sometimes I think I should just leave all the names off all the posts --- and pay more attention to the artwork.

I do hear from people who are flattered that their mail shows up on the blog.
I hear from a few people who forbid me from posting.
No chance I'll be able to brainwash everyone into seeing things my way, eh?

From Tina

From Nanski Drewski AKA something else.

From RachelD

1 comment:

  1. Oooops - this was supposed to pop up at 1 am. I forgot to change the time when I posted it. Lotta chaos here.... what else is new. Flood under the kitchen sink.
