
Sunday, October 21, 2018

From Miss Cathy - Halloween + Rainbow

This is a terrible photograph. It has so much detail. I will try to reshoot it. But, if I don't get around to re-shooting and re-placing this image - we will just have to endure it this way. I am writing this post in February and a lot can happen between Feb and Oct. I could have tons of spare time or none.

Some of those dots are raised. So she must have used something like puff paint. I have no idea how many exciting new products are out there. I have to avoid the craft stores.

So far - no luck on re-shooting the envelope - but I can add a Rainbow envelope --- and it is the one that Cathy sent. Super rainbow-y. The lettering is outlined with gorgeous sparkles.

And that's a very nice R. Rs can be tricky.


  1. Wow, Cathy, two very cool envelopes - the rainbow Rainbow is absolutely stunning.

  2. Thank you, Finn! I learned how to do the sugar skull envelope from an online tutorial by the wonderful artist Schin Loong of Open Inkstand. Was so much fun to do.
