
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

From Miss Cathy (blue with gold dots)

Miss Cathy is very skilled with nibs and ink or gouache. The inline of gold is very nice. Inside was a lovely card and you can see the really nice detail on the flap - a strip of blue with gold dots. The card has a layer of fancy paper that was the inspiration for the whole package.

Real time P.S.
The epiphany that I reported yesterday didn't work. I went back to putting the month in the title. If you are new to the exchanges, you might not realize that your envelope may not show up on the blog for several months. And I save Halloween and Dec envelopes for a full year. I might start posting some other holidays during the corresponding month of the following year. I'll have to wait for the 2019 envelopes and post them in 2020. I feel like Ruth Bader Ginsberg - charting my career for the next 5 years.  Note-to-self: send Ruth a pretty envelope if I  ever have too much time on my hands (highly doubtful). Maybe we should find out when her birthday is and shower her with some fun birthday mail. March 15, 1933. Sheila Waters is turning 90 in 2019. I think she would be a more appropriate recipient - but Wiki does not have the month/date. (FB has a birthday greeting from a guild on March 12th)

Oh, this is a good idea. Choose some lucky person each month who will not exchange - but who would love to get some mail. Each person would send one extra envelope. What a great idea. Coffee-induced.

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