
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

From Lynne - Exchanger

Thirty-four years ago I hatched my 9 pounder. He's flown the nest. I'm writing this in early May and he's deciding whether to hit the end of the ski season in Iceland or go to India. Yes - they ski in India - year round snow if you have the time to get to it. No ski resorts. It's more like mountain climbing - except you ski down. What. The. Heck.
Who would do that?

Hopefully when this post pops up, I will not be grieving because the trip didn't quite go as planned. I keep this quote in plain sight at all times. It was written by a person who didn't return from a ski trip.

Society has an absurd general belief that life is about hanging on as long as possible. So people are often hanging on for the sake of hanging on and not for really living. I can go on for days about this, but the important things in life are unsayable.

I'm happy with the quote at this point. He goes on to say:

So let's just live it out and see what we find behind the curtains in front of the big game we are all playing. Andreas Fransson

Curtains. Games. He sorta lost me. But, I totally get the part about the important things being unsayable.

Nuf said, eh?

****added in real time

Photos and videos of the he must be home.

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