
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Scratch and Sniff Stamps

I just heard on the radio that the PO had their unveiling party for the ice cream stamps in LeMars Iowa because they think they are the ice cream capitol of the world. It's the head quarters for Blue Bunny ice cream - a very generic grocery store brand. I'm surprised they were chosen.

The scents are awful. The stamps are really small - so you can't really smell anything individually. But, I like the artwork.

I did not have the stamps when I did this envelope and forgot to take a picture after I put the stamp on it.

I have a couple more envelopes left to do for this month's exchange so I will post some more envelopes with stamps.

Oh, I see that the images are not ice cream - they are frozen treats. Even more reason why it was silly to have the unveiling in LeMars. ON the other hand - maybe the PO can't get anyone else interested in unveiling their stamps. Why am I so cranky?

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