
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Off-topic Saturday - Tiny Writing

As I write this, it is Jan 15th, 2018. The wind chill is 21 degrees below zero. I'm pretty sure we are F people. I get F and C mixed up. We are the 32 is freezing people. I would rather be a 0 is freezing person. It's weird how I can't remember the most basic things any more. I know we are not metric. But, I can't remember the word for non-metric any more. Maybe it will come to me.

Anyhow, on this frigid day, I am wading through the stacks of mementos that have piled up over the past 39 years. When my daughter was in high school she was preparing for a test where you could bring one page of notes into the test. I saw her writing small - and said - "Oh, let me do that, I can write a lot smaller." I managed to cram all of her notes onto one page. You can see that I even confined them to an area where the notes could be enlarged a tiny bit on a photocopier.

After the test was over, I asked her how she did. She got an A. I asked if the notes were helpful. She said she didn't even look at them. It was just comforting to know that they were available.

So, now that I have this page scanned for posterity, I should throw the original away. But, I do struggle with throwing some really weird stuff away. Maybe I will allow myself one box or one notebook of weird stuff.....

I'm thinking when this pops up on April 7th I will be enjoying some beautiful spring weather.


  1. The USA uses the US Customary Units which is based on the English units. The rest of the world uses the Metric System. US uses the Fahrenheit temperature scale. The rest of the world uses Celsius. And now, you're ready for Jeopardy (-:

    1. Thank you CJ. I’m sad to report that I am in Chicago where it is 21 degrees and I just finished my second week of long john weather. There are even snowflakes in the forecast. Brrrrrrrr

    2. I thought The USA used Imperial units?

  2. That is some really tiny writing! What size pen nib do you think you used? 003 is the smallest that I have.

    1. It was probably the smallest Rapidiograph which I think was 005.

    2. Can’t believe how small that is!!
