
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Two Dangling Two Beaded

I think this one already ran. There are 4 in this series. Inspired by zen-dangles on Pinterest, I did Sara's first. Then I did Tina's. I was a little more thorough in filling the lines and wasn't sure that it was an improvement. I might prefer Sara's with a little more air or space between the beads.

Then I decided to do beaded names.
I tried Rebecca's first and wished I had used a larger envelope. Then came Inta's - which might be my favorite since it is a little looser. When I do multiples, I tend to like the later ones better.

Please excuse the hodgepodge of photos. If I have time, I will return and do a better post.

1 comment:

  1. These envelopes are delightful! The playing card stamp is a perfect match. Very nice.
