
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bright, Super Bright from Miss Cathy

Cathy is retired and has been enjoying a variety of workshops. The note inside this envelope says:
Got to try Brusho Coloured Crystals at the Amity Parks workshop and I went wild with them.

You have to see it in person to grasp the brightness of the pigments. So cool. The stamp is so perfect.

Amity does beautiful work. Google her if you need to extend your surfing today.

In case you did not see the bonus post yesterday - the PO issued a new LOVE stamp. No coordinating 2-oz stamp. It will be uber-easy to do your own version of this design when you are making your mail art. The secret will be in finding the muted tones. Personally, I am not a fan of that L - so it will be hard for me to even buy the stamp. Might have to skip it --- but I like the colors. Tough choice. I bet those who have studied traditional calligraphy can tell me why I'm not a fan of the L.


  1. Haven't studied calligraphy -- why don't you like it?

    1. If you look at the two loose ends of the L, you will see that they are arcs. I would prefer that they conform to the universal line of beauty which is a real line that you may Google and learn all about.
      However, as an avowed non-conformist, there are times when I adore non-conforming arcs in lettering. On this one, it is distracting to me. But, it's a minor detail and I'm just happy that the PO is offering a wide range of styles.
      As a calligrapher, I would feel like I am putting my seal of approval on it if I use it. And - I don't think it blends with my personal style. It's a very weird situation when people bring invitations done in this style and want me to match it on the envelopes. I can't make my hand do those *lazy* arcs. But, I don't think any client has ever noticed. At least if they did - they didn't mention it.
      And when people love this style, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. There are plenty of naive styles that I love - just not this one.
