
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Indigo Repair to Jeanette

This was the least successful repair to a transposed number situation that I inadvertently covered up so you can't really see and decide for yourself how good or bad this one is.

Jeanette was new to the exchange and I was sad to send her a mishap - but maybe it's fine. I make so many mistakes that it's better to illustrate how mistakes are of no importance. In brain surgery - mistakes matter. But with envelopes, we can be lazy and sloppy and sometimes it helps with all the other things going on in our lives to have a place where we can kick back and relax.

The exact street address and zip code are the only things that matter. And to a certain extent - it's nice to spell the name right....but if anyone is going to get bent out of shape over me spelling their name wrong - then they probably need to find a different exchange.

Note to self---have an exchange where we spell names wrong on purpose.


  1. This is Jean - leaving a comment - you may see the line-up of 2018 stamps here:

  2. This envelope (mistake or no) is the lovliest work of art. Just beautiful!

    1. Thanks. By the time I tried several different ways to fix the mistakes I was really enjoying the whole sequence of events.
