
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Outer Space from Kathy

You really need to see this one in person to appreciate the effect of all the splatters and added details. At first, this was in the stack with the eclipse stamped mail - and then i realized it was the jupiter stamp....
....eclipse week is coming up.

Or is that pluto?
Did all the planets come on one sheet - that I missed?

It's pluto.

Are planets supposed to be capitalized?
Does my lack of spelling and grammar knowledge drive any of you crazy?
But not very.
All my brain cells are being used to try to remember to look at where the text message is going before I click send. I have sent some pretty wacky messages to people who were very confused. Earlier today I sent one to a person who just one hour earlier had made a pocket FaceTime call to me. She was out shopping and she thought there was someone in the vicinity who sounded a lot like Jean Wilson. Eventually, she realized that it was actually Jean Wilson, yelling *yoo-hoo* in her pocket.

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