
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Susan K's Trees

Susan does really beautiful holiday cards every year. They usually involve lettering and cutting and the envelopes are nicely lettered, too.

I like the multi colored ornaments on the trees. They came in a business sized envelope. Very pretty proportions.

Dec 22 additional comments:
So yesterday, I found a stack of envelopes that looked rather holiday. One was addressed to Susan - so I figured these would have been the envelopes I intended to mail at the very first of Dec, and then couldn't remember if I sent, so I must not have sent any early cards.

Then, yesterday afternoon, the 2016 card and envelope arrived from Susan - and she included a note - referencing the mail I had sent her this year. SO, I must have sent some early mail. But, I have no idea what it looked like - or who all was in that stack.

I'm not going to let it bother me. If I slowly lose my marbles and the result is that people get extra mail from me - that's probably not a bad way to go. My very first job, after babysitting, was working for a fashion illustrator who taught me how to fill in the plaids and patterns on clothing for newspaper ads. She had an elderly aunt who would call from time to time and talk non-stop. Sometimes, the lady I was working for had to leave the room to tend to other things and she would hand me the phone. I would rest it on my shoulder and continue working while saying, "Um-hum," as the elderly lady jabbered on. I do not recall anything she talked about and she never noticed any differences in the *um-hums*. My employer would come back, retrieve the phone, and continue to listen as long as necessary. I'm guessing random mail would be preferable to listening to me when I get on one of my rants, eh?

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