
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Practice Productive Procrastination

From Elizabeth Walsh - a long time pen pal. I think that style of lettering on the bottom is called bones. Every time I see it I make a note to try it...and then never get around to it....
Elizabeth knows I am a big fan of Austin Kleon. I have no trouble investing in large amounts of productive procrastination.

This post is the one I am writing that fills all the slots up to December 31st. I hopped around a bit. But, it is September 17 as I write this. I might make a big splashy post on Sept 18th to celebrate that I schedule more than 3 months of posts - which will free up a ton of time to see if I can get organized in 2017.

Although, my first question is - why exactly do I want to be organized? Part of me sees the advantage. The other part of me feels like I just got tricked into putting on a straight-jacket.

Onward through the fog.

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