
Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I hope Ruth doesn't mind that I included a photo of her with her husband at the American Gothic house in Eldon Iowa. I was there many years ago and would love to go again now that they have a visitor center where you can borrow the clothes for your photo. It just thrills me to no end that the house has been saved. It is so cool that one of the top two most recognized painting came from Iowa. If you are ever in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, be sure to visit the apartment over a garage where Grant Wood lived which is now a museum. One day after doing some plastering or painting, he hung his bib overalls over the top of a small door on a cabinet or closet. They dried and he ended up leaving them there and making a kind of bas-relief sculpture feature. Hard to explain. I'll see if I can find a photo of it.

The bottom envelope is from Kate.

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