
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Full Alphabet from the Nov 29, 2011 post

Someone left a comment on my Nov 29, 2011 post asking if I had the full alphabet to the one used on the envelope on that post.

The envelope is from Chuck and is very similar to this alphabet. He gave the S a bigger swoop on the bottom and he added a curl to the first stroke on the W. He used a much smaller O.

The fun of this style is that you can mix it up and make your own variations. I should make a lower case to go with it.

Someone brought me some lettering that had just the words -whimsical christmas- and asked me if I could figure out the rest of the letters. The sample I had was not very clear. What is at the top of this page is not what they gave me. It is my own writing based on the sample. It was really fun to come up with all the rest of the letters.

I can see so many more places to make variations. Thanks to *anonymous* for asking if there was a full alphabet. It was fun to dig into my big box of alphabets. I can hardly lift it. I need to get them all scanned before I get to old and weak to lift the box.

Here is a link to the image that caught someone's eye on Pinterest.


  1. Thank you! It would be so much fun to have a group of people getting together to letter on a regular basis. I appreciate you posting the alphabet. I have a folder that I refer to. Otherwise I go to address an envelope and the same shaped letters come out of my hand.

  2. Yes, Alyce, I think the first get together should be at your house. I have your address. If you can figure out how to run the iPhone, we can do one of those things where we stream ourselves and all our pen pals can tune in and watch us. I'm not sure if it is a podcast or webinar or that new one with the name I can't remember that is hot right now. I just Googled to see if I could find it and there are a bunch. All with names like Wowza, Zype, YouNow, etc. But I couldn't find the one I was trying to find. Maybe someone knows what I am talking about and will tell me in a comment :-)
