
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bonus post

Be sure to scroll down to the regular post today.

My husband plays santa once a year for a private party. I always enjoy dressing him up in the borrowed santa suit and keep thinking I should get him his own suit. Then I remembered that one of my readers said she had a Mrs. Santa outfit and I thought - gee, I'd be a great Mrs. Santa with my whitish hair. So I did a search for Mrs Santas. A lot of them were not anything I would want to look like, but I thought this one was fun. I do not know who those people are, but my hair is whiter and could be styled that way.

Now I just have to figure out a way to tie it into the whole envelope thing. I wonder if kids would even understand the concept of sending an actual letter to Santa. I wonder how many little kids have never received a piece of mail.

Yesterday was a great mail day here. I am so tempted to post everything right now, but will proceed with the method that works best for me - scheduling posts that will appear in 2017.

Hey, Limner:
As I dropped an envelope in the mail yesterday, I noticed that I had not erased the pencil guide lines. Maybe you can erase them for me. My outgoing mail had been on my desk for about 4 days and I just couldn't let myself bring it home. Of course, now I realize that I forgot to record that envelope to you.


  1. You make a very pretty Mrs. Claus!

    1. Just to be clear, that is not me. That is a photo I found while searching for ideas for an outfit for me. I'll amend the post...

  2. Please be sure to ask someone to take a picture of the two of you so you can post it!
    I send mail to my grandchildren. I know my daughter saves the cards I make for my grandson. I've wondered if my son or daughter-law save the mail I send to my grandson and granddaughter. Once they texted a photo of them looking at their cards and I cringed when I saw how they opened the envelope. I spent nearly as much time on the envelope as I did on the card. I just remember how much I enjoyed making the card/envelope and that they know I was thinking about them.

    1. The demolition of envelopes is pretty cringe-worthy. Gut wrenching. Some day I will post an envelope that my husband opened while I was out of town. Or maybe a wolverine was in the kitchen and chewed on it before he found the letter opener that is always in plain sight.

    2. I would think that he would be one of the last people to do that. He must know that the envelope is as important as the contents. Sometimes more important. Thanks for the laugh.

    3. Well, he usually does not open anything addressed to me. Once in a while he opens one by accident. Sometimes he leaves a note saying he's sorry he opened something by accident. But he has never shown an interest in the nice, sharp letter opener that is always out in plain sight. He must enjoy ripping paper. We are a textbook case of opposites attracting. But as I always say - a couple made up of two people just like me would be annoying. Likewise - a couple made up of two people like him would be equally annoying - or worse. I'd choose two introverts over two extroverts. But's that me.

  3. Would be fun to dress up as Mrs. Claus. I wonder if you went to the post office and asked them for some of the letters that are sent to Santa each year?

    1. OK. I love this idea. Only I would just park myself at the post office and help little kids write letters to Santa. Our main PO has a really cute little mail box for kids to mail their letters to Santa. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the great idea.
