
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday Re-Run - VerseAddress

This is the blurb that ran with this envelopes when it first ran in 2010.

i posted about these verse-addresses a while back. nobody seems as excited about them as i am. except for ashleigh. it was his idea. i figured i would send one to him. i imagine it is ok to post his address on the internet. he has it posted at his website. he also has directions for how to get to his house. so....if you are in the neighborhood, drop in. buy a postcard or two or ten. he's a charming fellow. you can also commission him to write a verse address. you can commission me, too. but his are much better.


  1. Brilliant idea!!! I might have a go too.

  2. A while back you asked if people would try something similar. It didn't have the cool story, just a description of the where your house is. I sent this envelope to you. Here's a link to a Pinterest board of mine. It's of cards I made, but since I don't have a board of envelopes I've sent, I saved it here.

    1. I'm so happy you posted this. I'll rerun it in a regular blog post because it is definitely one of my favorites.
