
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

alison's eames stamps

the big swoopy curves were just perfect for those stamps. once again, i am tempted to add some color to the lettering. maybe a touch of the wooden color... are any of the blog readers going to try this style? i have about 5 more to post. if you are really tired of them, hang in there...i imagine there is a new binge right around the corner.


  1. I don't have any of these stamps. But I'll definitely be trying this style.

  2. Curious where you purchase your stamps that are not out in the post office right now. Such as older stamps. I've looked on eBay and Etaey but they can be quite pricy and well over the face value.

  3. there is a store here in Des Moines that has huge tubs full of old stamps that they sell for face value. i have often thought about buying the good ones - and making them available to my readers - but...i probably won't find time to do that. plus, with shipping, it would cost is a very dangerous store for me. i only go a couple times a year.

    this guy sells face value - but you don't get to pick the stamps. you can say, "I like flowers" and he might send flowers if he has them. i have never ordered from him. also, you would have to know where to find the list of what the stamps look like. i assume he is using the filing system that the USPS uses on stamps.


    oops, here is the guy i mentioned in the last comment

  5. Oh wow! This Murphs find is like gold! The one drawback is having no pics, but I'm pretty sure those are Scott numbers, so would be easy enough to cross reference. Fabulous prices, as I've just been buying over face value on eBay. Thanks for sharing Jean!

    I don't know why Google publishes my posts twice...I promise I hit the publish button only once!

  6. Thanks for the info on the stamps from Murphs! I have contacted him and waiting for my first set!
