
Thursday, December 17, 2015

font ideas
this is a screen shot from MyFonts.

there is a new font that you could use as a template to draw your own letters. in some cases, you could make improvements. that 2-stroke Y leaves too much white space. a more traditional Y with a straight lower stroke might look better. just making all the strokes a little looser (more organic) would be nice.

i trust everyone knows how to put in your own copy and see any word or name in any font.


  1. As I do every morning, I came here to see what the day's envelope would look like. I smiled and chuckled when I saw my name ~ spelled correctly! I doubt you'll misspell my name in the future. Thanks for telling us about this website. I've been to I never thought to search by season. I'll be going to the myfonts site ~ after Christmas.

  2. These are great - love the tinsel font.
