
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

mail art call - roland halbritter - bocksbeutel

somehow i ended up on the mailing list of roland halbritter. last year he had a call for entries for an exhibit to be held in the Malerwinkelhaus, a popular sightseeing destination in Markbreit, Germany. i loved the look of the house and sent several envelopes. then, a few months back, i received a full-color 85 page book of some or all the other pieces of mail art that were submitted. it is chock full of lovely images.

this year he has a call for entries for another exhibit. it commemorates the bocksbeutel, a classic shape in wine bottles. wine does not agree with me and the shape made me cringe. so i was not going to send anything....but then i had an idea that i rather liked.

so, if anyone is interested in submitting some mail art to Roland, all the info you need is at his blog. you can see the mail he has already received. looks like 468. i have flipped through half of them and do not see that anyone has done the idea that i have - which surprises me- because it is a cliche.

i do not know if he will publish as nice a catalog of this exhibit. it says onthe blog that he is still looking for sponsors. it had to have been an expensive piece to produce, plus the cost of postage to send one to each artist. but, for the price of an international stamp, you can be an official international mail artist and your mail will be posted on his blog.

one of my envelopes is in the upper right corner. it was not one of the most creative. there are 4 more entries in the archives of 2014 (not 2015) aug 27, aug 28, aug 29, and aug 30.  i know there are more. will have to dig to find them.

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