
Thursday, October 29, 2015

eva & rosie

a few days ago when i posted the envelope to jan with the cat hanging on the clothesline, my brother left a comment that his two cats had issues with the cat hanging on the clothesline. so i told him to tell his cats to watch their mail box. i hope they are relieved to see that the clothespins have been removed and these cats are clearly enjoying themselves and exploring their creative sides.

it made me think of the guy on shark tank who got a deal with the sharks for his website called *i want to draw a cat for you.* i remember thinking - what a great idea. just let people pay you to do really bad drawings. why didn't i think of that. i suppose i could start a website called *i want draw a cat hanging on a clothesline for you*

i just checked and his website says he has drawn 19,214 cats.
he has a $10 cat  x 19,214 = $192,140
a $30 cat x 19,214 = $576,420

so he's made between those two figures.
maybe i should just offer to draw anything for you, on an envelope and mail it.....

your thoughts?

p.s. i like my cats better. his have human faces - which i find a little disconcerting.

if anyone is interested in participating in a traveling art journal group, please contact jan at janhardt-at-mchsi-dot-com. if you don't know what a traveling art journal is, she will explain it.


  1. Jean I think you are on to something Cats on a Wire, you could also do the Poker Playing Peacocks.Your cats look like cats...much better than the other guy. I would love to purchase your first Cats on a Wire envie that is for sale. I could have the first of 20000000 cats Let me know $8.95? check can be in mail

  2. Love this! sometimes people have Ideas and I just wish I had thought (and acted upon) them first! I'd draw a cat for $10!
