
Friday, July 31, 2015

memory lane - outlined dubosch

i have not done any DuBosch Jubilee in a while. but, thanks to all my organizing, i know exactly where the exemplars are. this was in the stack of unfinished. it is probably the only time i have laboriously outlined jubilee. and probably the last time too. very fussy work. but, if you have way too much time on your hands, it will keep you occupied. pick a name like elizabeth wellington walsh. i don't know what her middle name is, just pick something long. now i am wondering which of my penpals has the longest name. probably stella papadopoulos. too bad she lives in canada. the extra postage puts a damper on the mail.


  1. i just fell on the floor laughing at the line about how i know where the exemplar is. i knew where it was when i wrote the blog post 6 weeks, all i know is that it is in my uber-closet. i imagine it would take some serious digging to find it...but one day...we will go on a video tour of my will be day. not this day. but one day.

  2. Thanks for the morning laugh. At least you only have a closet. I would need to go through an entire room! Some day . . . . .

  3. So. . . the mail art we all sent you is no longer carefully filed and organized, possibly never was, and you've begun the sending some of it back to us phase, hoping that we, who have learned from you, will now carefully file and organize?!? That's an entire floor of my house and a day long laugh here:-)
