
Saturday, January 17, 2015

karen's skiers

two problems with this one: i don't like how i have three caps and then two lower case. i like to mix them, but not first one and then the other.

can anyone guess what the second thing is that really bugs me?

i like the idea....but there is a glaring inconsistency.

and no, it is not the ugly sky. i guess that is a third problem.

this is an idea that i think is fine, but it just needs a lotta work.


  1. It's very early, but I'm worried about Karen hitting her house. E already looks like she's down and all 7 are leaving the envelope. Can you save them? N is only legs, not a smart letter, she brainless and leading the the horizon line as it goes through the stamp

  2. Just had to say that I enjoyed Smash's comment. 😊

  3. That it's in your house and not mine.

  4. Tuck the R back a bit and it's great!

  5. this is jean commenting....i can't wait to get home and create the chaotic scene following the horrific crash into the house. sometimes, when doing little people lettering, i get the feeling that it is my true calling....

  6. thank you again smash for the inspiraton....and there are some previous comments that i will be bringing up in future posts. all y'all are so much fun :-)
    [again, this is jean commenting]

  7. Ahhhhh, we are our own toughest critic. The sky looks typical for a cold, winter day.
