
Thursday, January 8, 2015

finn house

very nice. i really like the envelopes that finn makes and he is very talented at finding the perfect stamp.

but, i am also faithful to my readers who come here for lettering, so i hope to find time to show how i would have lettered this particular envelope.....
i may not get this done before this post pops up, but, it is on my to-do list.

nope.  i did not get that done. but i did manage to post a new alphabet on the nibs and ink blog.
i have started posting lessons that i use in classes for kids because one of my readers is going to offer a class for kids. grown ups may have fun with these alphabets, too.


  1. Love the envelope, but another choice might have been a white gellyroll ball point pen in window. No special skills, just a ball point
    The stamp is awesome with the colors. I love to challenge the PO

    1. I am definitely cautious about handwriting addresses. Sometimes I don't have the time, or I'm not in the mood. Also, since each envelope is unique (99% of the time) I don't want to spoil it with poor hand lettering. Also, this magazine paper was particularly shiny, and I don't think that makes it any easier.

      I wish I had more time to learn and practice.
