
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

white iron - 2

same style as yesterday.

on saturday, there will be an apology for running this style for 5 straight days, but hopefully you will see that as i loosened up, it was worthwhile spending a little time with it.

also on saturday, there will be an envelope with all 26 letters, so you can print it out and have an exemplar. and if you look carefully at all the envelopes, you might see some variations.

i like to morph the letters a bit, depending on which letters are next to each other. some tuck nicely. and down the road a bit, i know i did one that was overlapping that i rather like. there are plenty of opportunities to fling some of the strokes. as tim gunn says when he is reminding the contestants to use the wall of accessories *thoughtfully.* fling your curlicues thoughtfully.

should i go listen to tim gunn speak next wednesday? should i stay after and ask him if he saved that envelope i addressed to him? yes, he was on a guest list of a wedding that i worked on. along with donna karan (whose name was spelled donna karen...pretty pitiful wedding planner who needs a housewife in des moines correcting the spelling on the east coast guest list.)


  1. Yes you should go and listen to Tim, and yes you should talk to him. Make it work!

  2. well, it is free, so, i probably will go. now to review my wardrobe....
