
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

blackwing update

jeri sent me some blackwing pencils. she'd heard people raving about them. i tried one and didn't see anything too special. later, i picked one up because i had to avoid some chores and noticed that it is super soft and the more you write, the wider the tip gets so it is ideal if you want to make some really bold statements. i could love these pencils. however, they are schmeary and i can't handle schmeary. so....i will pull them out to enjoy when i need to avoid my chores. i had to cover up an ugly name with a sticker.

the idea of writing a message down the envelope and then squeezing in the address appeals to me
although, i need a system to do lettering that fits nicely.
figuring out a way to do this where i like the outcome will be a challenge.

that left margin was clumsy. i used it to make notes, but am not too pleased with the whole thing.
maybe something better will evolve.

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