
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

another alexandra

on may 25th, there was a similar *alexandra.* finnbadger suggested i make the middle A and N all caps. i was OK with the cap N and i made a ligature (letters who share a common stroke) out of the ND and also the RA. but, i will not be putting a traditional triangular cap A into that space because it will create a set of parallel lines on both sides and it hurts my eyeballs to just think about it. if anyone wants to plunk an cap A in there and show me that it looks fine...have at it.

my other ALEX works better.
and because there are two curves - on the D and R, i like to add a third - on a lower case a
because i like *threes.* not always, but most of the time....

1 comment:

  1. i finished this one by putting an A in the space that was cut out of the leftover edge of one of the modern design or modern art pages. it was red background with a white A, i think.
