
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ccc eunice & frances

ccc clunker day. of the 20-30 pink and green envelopes that i did at the end of the ccc list....these are among the worst...but, i just have to get this project finished and move on to something else....i hope that eunice and francis do not take this have lovely names and someday...i might do them justice.

this just in: my mom was reading the blog and she does not like it that i am so critical of some of the envelopes. i tried to explain that this is an educational blog and that part of making better envelopes is being truthful about the flaws. she did not agree or understand. but, i thought i should mention this in case there are others who do not understand why i point out the flaws. i guess i could balance the remarks by including what i do like. i love the way the R and A in frances overlap. i could have a lot of fun with that name if i did not have to eat, sleep, and do chores.

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