
Saturday, January 14, 2012

collaboration - constellation

there is overlap on the strokes in the name and then there are some cool little dots that look like they might be diamond glaze or one of those super glues that dry really shiny. it is a nice touch that might not show up on the scan.

i used the width of the stamp to give the address a framework and put  just the zip code below the name. if i knew what kind of marker this was and had one, i would do the zip code in the same color, a little bolder, but not too bold.

no, i guess i wouldn't. i wrote the pp above yesterday and had to switch some of these posts around. so i am looking at this on a different computer and i would not like the zip to be bold at all. or maybe i would. it should be helpful to know that it can be hard to make decisions and sometimes there is no right or wrong. so don't give yourself a headache over decisions.

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