
Friday, July 29, 2011

evergreen stamps

i don't think this one has been posted before. i found it as i was going through the 900 emails that have piled up. i was thinking if i filed 100 emails a days, i could have it cleared out in 9 days. and there will probably be some more envelopes.

this was an exchange where everyone used the evergreen stamps. chuck does beautiful work with lots and lots of fine lines. he uses them in both the illustrations as well as the lettering.


  1. There is another similar piece of Chuck's on the December 29, 2010 posting - I do like his illustration style quite a lot. The lines on the address for this one are quite lovely. Hand-drawn?

  2. oh...i just posted a new one, since i thought i had already posted this one. now i see that after he did the one to mary dee, he did a similar one to me. if you ever want to *catalog* the envelopes, i think you'd be the person to do it....i am getting less organized as time goes by

  3. those lovely lines are made by using the blur tool. or was that a joking question? i am dense this morning. heat has fried my brain and humidity has mold growing on the charred surfaces

  4. No, not a joking question at all. I was thinking they might have been intentionally done in a Carl Kurtz style. Certainly lots of possibilities for styles could be generated with the blur tool.

  5. for a couple of luddites, we sure do like the fancy-schmantzy electronic tools...
    and...those lines would be very pretty on the un-mailable mail. i think i'll put something out for dave....that is abstract...

  6. Good thing no one reads the comments. They'd probably think we'd been feigning ineptitude all along.

  7. and every once in a while i go into the blog-management pages and see comments that people left, that i did not, i am truly inept at running a blog. i think there is some place i could click a button that would then alert me when i had a comment on the blog, but, alas, that is not going to happen...

  8. As I recall, it was Carrie who talked you into doing the blog. I guess we should thank her, because there are all sorts of things neither of us would have made an effort to understand otherwise, except. . .where is she when you don't know how to do the next thing??? There's probably some way to hook comment alerts up to your cell phone. Wouldn't that be fun and convenient? I suppose I could try to catalog the envelopes, but where do I put the post it notes? By the way, I like the new format. As far as I know, no one has said anything about it, but that first morning, I looked at it and said, "Wow. Something's really different today."

  9. On second thought, maybe it was not Carrie. It was someone, though, and it sure as heck was not me.

  10. as i recall, it was a conversation with robin that piqued my interest in blogging. several students had mentioned, over the years, that i should have a website. and i knew that i would never get around to an actual website. but, i had heard that blogging was an easier way to put stuff online to share. i think it is, although, at a certain point, there is too much stuff and i did not keep good labels, so it is time to rethink how this is going to proceed.

  11. At least you have managed to get something online. I have been mired in indecision for well over a decade. I am beginning to wonder if a website might actually be easier in the long run? Re: cataloging - one thing we do at the library that is kind of fun is we catalog our snacks and beverages. How this could be applied to your blog, I am not yet certain - there is an alarming absence of snack food here.

  12. Here is a good video, on the topic of motivation. Not only is it interesting, but the entire lecture is cartooned as he speaks.

  13. thank you jackie....i have been so amazed at my complete focus and dedication to this blog. i have not missed a single day since feb of 2010. i thought with that kind of self-discipline, i could give up internet surfing for the month of august and see if i could maybe make a dent in those unfinished projects. instead, i will be spending the month watching all the other videos produced by that guy.

  14. Hopefully this will only be one of our medium-length digressions. The cool cartoonist will still be there when your projects are done, and you'll always be able to find him because I posted the link on your blog - and I'll remember which envelope if you forget:-) Sweet dreams.

  15. is aug 1 and as soon as i read my email, i will walk away from the computer and i will not surf. this blog is better than an AA meeting. i have an unknown number of people watching me via the blog and i think i saw that the cartoonist has a talk on procrastination, so, i'll save that as my reward for not surfing for a whole month. here goes......

  16. 11:06 and i am checking the blog. does checking the blog count as surfing? no it does not. in fact, i might star a new blog, just so i have a place to go and not-surf. but, it would be full of this kind of drivel. surfing was always done whilst drinking coffee. now i have to find something different to do during coffeetime.

  17. Checking the blog definitely not-surfing. It just so happens that I wasn't on the computer today either, and, technically, I guess I am still not on the computer because I am just checking the blog. A whole month of not-surfing? What will you drink? Not-coffee?

  18. first non-surf day resulted in quite a few things getting accomplished. this might have been a good idea. time will tell.

    non-coffee is a non-option. i'd be in withdrawal.

    sept 1st, i need to go look at this. this string of comments is going to become my list of places to return to. people send me things that i will save... google is becoming a pretty nice filing system for me.
