
Thursday, June 16, 2011

green - compost

again, not a favorite. it is too obvious. it is on the list to be re-designed. i'd like to have a complete set of ideas for these stamps. the little line drawings are certainly up my alley.


  1. Maybe what you're up against here is a stylistic difference? I know I am fond of stamps that I perceive have an unresolved quality to them, and have a lot of trouble with work that is in a style that is close to my own, but already completely resolved. I prefer the stamps that leave something for me to do. Frankly, I like the style of your cartoons better than that of these stamps - your work is far more expressive.

  2. flattery will get you a trunk load of art supplies. ;-)

  3. i just enlarged the image and at first, i liked that little dog...and then i looked..and it really looks like a mutant. but, i would not put my odd, naive style as ahead of this one...i'd put them on parallel.

  4. At the risk of getting more supplies than I have room for in my little studio. . .I really do prefer your cartoons! If you haven't already, you should have a peek at the videos of 4-year-old Aelita Andre at work on her paintings.
