
Friday, September 17, 2010

keith 22/50

when in doubt, scribble. yes, i like to build up names. when you write one name 50 times, eventually you need to do a few like these.

i just figured out how to post every single scan on the blog to picasa, so now i can set it on slide-show and watch them flip by, one per second. even though i have seen all of these envelopes a gazillion times, and even though i think it is usually magnifying flaws to enlarge envelopes, there is something very cool about flipping through all of them on the screen.

i can't decide how to organize them. i have no idea if picasa is like flickr where anyone can enter the site and view the photos. if it is, you are all welcome to browse. i am inspired to scan some more. i have a few hundred, still in boxes. and probably a hundred scanned and waiting to be posted.

or, i could do all those things that NEED to be done.

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