
Monday, June 14, 2010

a favorite - unsent

here it is, the most *favorite* envelope that i never sent. i opened it and dated the opening in october of 06. inside the envelope is a cute card and on the back of the card it says "now that i know my envelopes will be stored in one place, i can part with my most favorite stamps." dated, 7 feb 05. clearly, i was thinking about letting things go, not being attached, but, have not been able to follow through. sadly, i am getting more attached to the envelopes.

as far as determining why i am so attached to this particular one, it's gotta be the colors. zig came out with a set of markers that had no names on the markers. they were custom colors and so pretty. love dots. could sit and dot-dot-dot all day.

subject matter is a favorite, too. love trees. love sky. one would think that i could leave enough space for s-c-h-n-e-i-d-e-r, but, i did not and then filled in a little growing thing before the k to make a nice landscape. i can tell that i made the line nice and tidy by putting a strip of Post-It tape across the envelope. Post-It makes rolls of tape, an inch wide and it is a must-have art supply. if the Post-It people would pay me, I could do a whole book on Post-It enhanced artwork.


  1. This is one of your most beautiful

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. at last...i can visit the envelope whenever i want
    a beautiful stamped envelope such as, well, any on this blog, would great business cards

    hi wilma

  4. Masterful value study. I like your subtle touch. On a spiritual level, I am hearing, "I *value* you as my friend - I prefer not to send you away." It has inspired me to contemplate ideas/dogma about detachment - the question of which is detached, sending or keeping. Perhaps both. Perhaps neither.

  5. i only removed the comment above because it said "this is a test" mom was learning how to post comments. this was the first time i tried deleting a comment and did not know what happened. i suppose i should start a blog that is about learning how to blog. but that would take away from the envelopes....
