
Saturday, April 29, 2023

To Irene in March

 This one should probably have been grouped with the two that I posted yesterday. It's not wildly different. It might be the best of the lot because the name and address fill the space nicely.  

Ups and downs - overs and under. The daily posts need more than 3 sentences - but I do not want to generate more drivel. Today will be a day of minimalism. This idea to grow some plants from seeds is nagging at the part of me that anthropomorphizes everything. Each little seedling is like an infant - and I don't want it to die. Grrrr. The thought of *thinning* them just seems brutal. Maybe I should eat them - since I am not opposed to eating anything and everything when it's mealtime. I wonder if there are any plants that are toxic at a seedling level. I guess if I am growing herbs - I shouldn't be too worried.

And then there are the weeds. I'm in an epic battle with weeds. Grrrrrr.

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