
Monday, March 27, 2023

From JeanR to Jennifer - counting letters in names

 JeanR has two nice J's on the envelope. The business sized envelopes are nice for longer names. When I was making up the lists for the March exchange - it was right at the time that I was grrr-ing at myself for always messing up Lauren's name with her 6 letters - but starting out like I only had 5 letters to work with. So, I got curious - about the number of letter in the frequent exchangers.

It's possible that this is of no interest to anyone - but - it's my blog - so I get to jabber about whatever random topic pops into my head. Here is the breakdown:

3-letters:  Amy Mia —2

4-letters: Jean(R&W) Kate Ming Mary Troy —6

5-letters: April Cathy Chuck Grace Irene Janet Lynne Patty Smash/Susan —9

6-letters: Gloria Lauren Leslie Maggie Nanski Sharon —6

7-letters: Carolyn Jessica Valerie —3

8-letters:  Samantha —1

We would add Smash to the 3-letter group - when she is Sue.

Gloria and Leslie - don't always take up a full 6 spaces because of their l and i.

I'm not going to cover the last names -- just a quick shout out to Wu and Schwessinger - it always *makes my day* when I come up with something that works for shortest (2) and longest (12).

As I have mentioned (many times) when we ponder our struggles with spacing -- the simple answer is pencil -- as if I need to say that again.

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