
Monday, February 13, 2023

January exchange envelope to Patty - Deadhead's house and sweaters


This is tilted to catch the light and make Patty's name show up. It's a bit of a train wreck - design-wise. But, I love the feel of writing with gel pens and markers on vellum. My new plan is to use up the vintage stamps on my grandkids. The exchangers all deserve better than this. 


Another house. Houses - two days in a row. Don't worry, I will not allow myself a house binge. This one seems like the opposite end of the bell curve from the Flintstone house yesterday. This lovely lady is a Deadhead. As mentioned previously, MrWilson is a Deadhead and it's been a long strange trip - which is a line from one of the songs. 

I don't think she mentions her Deadhead roots in the video - but there is a ton of it if you go to her website. And a lot of her video includes her patchwork sweaters. She got in on the ground floor of Etsy and has ridden a marvelous wave. If the video holds your attention you will get to a really nice ending where she describes her level-headed balance between a maximalist life/house/career - but no worries if it were all to evaporate.

LINK to a rainbow house and a whole lot more

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