
Friday, July 17, 2020

From Cathy O to Ellen



This is pretty.
I sent Cathy some of the shimmer envelopes that drove me crazy off and on.
My new complaint is that they do not photograph very well.

I have been reading a ton of tutorials on how to get friendly with my new laptop.
One of them recommended Acorn as an alternative to PhotoShop.
It is $30 and I am totally going to get it.
I've never had PS because it is so expensive.
Acorn looks fabulous.
It might be a good way for me to fix and enhance photos.


Tomorrow we go back to posts that I wrote a while ago.
So there will be no more updates on how camp is going.
Unless there is something worth talking about.
One good thing about urban camp - you don't have to look for ticks.

1 comment:

  1. If GIMP is still's almost exactly like Photoshop, from what I understand, and free.
