
Monday, November 11, 2019

Tina's Armistice Day Card and Envelope

Tina sent this envelope and card for the November exchange last year. There was also a nice note explaining that she had pondered doing a Thanksgiving card, but since she has never participated in that holiday was not sure where to start.

Armistice Day is the holiday that resonates with people in England in November. The silhouette is called "Tommy" and there are life sized silhouettes along their roadsides.

Tina did not get to the PO in time to get any of their poppy stamps, but the one she did get is a meaningful. There aren't that many stamps that feature quotes.

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns.  A line from Anthem for Doomed Youth, by W. Owen

Anthem for Doomed Youth

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